Nonprofits are forged out of a human desire to make the world a better place. Just as these vital organizations’ benevolent good works help build stronger communities, we want to equip them and the people behind them with expertise, partnerships, and tools needed to increase community impact. The experts at Hayes Group Consulting provide highly personalized support for nonprofit organizations to meet their every need.
Management & Leadership Advancement
At Hayes Group Consulting, we understand that managing an organization, engaging stakeholders, leading staff, and raising funds can be challenging. We provide purpose-driven leaders with the skills, tools, and connections they need to drive change in their communities. Our goal is to build vibrant communities by strengthening nonprofit leadership.
Strategic and Action Planning for NonProfits
Your nonprofit organization needs to develop concrete plans to realize its mission and secure its future. For organizations that need to develop a new plan, we will examine and assess your organization’s strengths, challenges, direction, environment, and strategies and establish better informed, evidence-based decisions for future directions.
-Pat Corso, Executive Director of Moore County Partners in Progress
Organizational Assessment
An organizational assessment allows nonprofits to take a step back, look at the big picture, and identify organizational gaps and opportunities. At the conclusion of the assessment, we’ll provide you with a set of recommendations to improve your organization’s overall effectiveness.
Revenue Development
One topic that is continually on the minds of all nonprofit leaders is how best to come up with effective fundraising strategies. Our consultants will assess your current fundraising mechanisms and recommend best practices, make a fundraising plan, help cultivate donor relationships, and develop new revenue streams to ensure future success. We can help you find optimal funding solutions to help you achieve your organizational mission, long-term sustainability, and growth.
Board Governance
Often, the best way to overcome the challenges facing your board is to engage an experienced, independent consultant to observe and develop strategies that facilitate change. We will work with you and your board to define the roles and responsibilities of your board members that will advance your organization’s mission. You can count on our experience as board members and board advisors to help you create a more effective nonprofit.
Finance Planning and Management
Financial management services play a significant role in the growth of nonprofit organizations. When you partner with us, we’ll help you make smart, safe, and secure financial decisions to achieve your organization’s strategic goals. From quality auditing, budgeting, accounting, and financial management support, we’re more than equipped to advise you effectively.
It is our pleasure to support leaders who are transitioning into a new role or taking on bigger responsibilities in the service of the non-profits in our communities. Through our high-impact leadership development services, we can help you develop new skills, gain fresh insights, and increase the impact you bring to your organization.
If you want your nonprofit or foundation to do and be more, Hayes Group Consulting can help you get there. Contact us today and let our decades of nonprofit management expertise put you on the pathway to creating more effective and impactful organizations.
Nonprofits are forged out of a human desire to make the world a better place. Just as these vital organizations’ benevolent good works help build stronger communities, we want to equip them and the people behind them with expertise, partnerships, and tools needed to increase community impact. The experts at Hayes Group Consulting provide highly personalized support for non-profit organizations to meet their every need.
Management & Leadership Advancement
At Hayes Group Consulting, we understand that managing an organization, engaging stakeholders, leading staff, and raising funds can be challenging. We provide purpose-driven leaders with the skills, tools, and connections they need to drive change in their communities. Our goal is to build vibrant communities by strengthening nonprofit leadership.
Strategic and Action Planning
for Nonprofits
Your nonprofit organization needs to develop concrete plans to realize its mission and secure its future. For organizations that need to develop a new plan, we will examine and assess your organization’s strengths, challenges, direction, environment, and strategies and establish better informed, evidence-based decisions for future directions.
-Pat Corso, Executive Director of Moore County Partners in Progress
Organizational Assessment
An organizational assessment allows nonprofits to take a step back, look at the big picture, and identify organizational gaps and opportunities. At the conclusion of the assessment, we’ll provide you with a set of recommendations to improve your organization’s overall effectiveness.
Revenue Development
One topic that is continually on the minds of all nonprofit leaders is how best to come up with effective fundraising strategies. Our consultants will assess your current fundraising mechanisms and recommend best practices, make a fundraising plan, help cultivate donor relationships, and develop new revenue streams to ensure future success. We can help you find optimal funding solutions to help you achieve your organizational mission, long-term sustainability, and growth.
Board Governance
Often, the best way to overcome the challenges facing your board is to engage an experienced, independent consultant to observe and develop strategies that facilitate change. We will work with you and your board to define the roles and responsibilities of your board members that will advance your organization’s mission. You can count on our experience as board members and board advisors to help you create a more effective nonprofit.
Finance Planning and Management
Financial management services play a significant role in the growth of nonprofit organizations. When you partner with us, we’ll help you make smart, safe, and secure financial decisions to achieve your organization’s strategic goals. From quality auditing, budgeting, accounting, and financial management support, we’re more than equipped to advise you effectively.
It is our pleasure to support leaders who are transitioning into a new role or taking on bigger responsibilities in the service of the nonprofits in our communities. Through our high-impact leadership development services, we can help you develop new skills, gain fresh insights, and increase the impact you bring to your organization.
If you want your nonprofit or foundation to do and be more, Hayes Group Consulting can help you get there. Contact us today and let our decades of nonprofit management expertise put you on the pathway to creating more effective and impactful organizations.
Hayes Group Consulting LLC are economic and community development strategists dedicated to helping governments, non-profits, and entire communities thrive in a changing, competitive environment.
©2025 Hayes Group Consulting. All rights reserved.
©2025 Hayes Group Consulting. All rights reserved.